You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 281 - 290 of 1,007

  1. Improving wheat yields on sodic soils

    Transient waterlogging causes significant changes to soil chemistry. This impedes root growth and thus reduces water and nutrient uptake from deep in the soil profile. ... Quantify sodicity tolerance among the commercial wheat genotypes. Identify

  2. Making a soil moisture probe

    The soil moisture probe may be used in irrigated or rainfed systems to determine the depth of wet soil. ... Dry soil retains its structural integrity and will resist the push probes passage.

  3. Paspalum

    adaptation, sources of variability, species mixtures, and important issues related to animal health and the conservation of native vegetation. ... Adapted to the wetter areas, dairies etc. on the coastal and inland slopes and plains.

  4. Silver beet growing

    The information includes:. Introduction. Silver beet. Varieties. Climate. Site selection. Sowing.

  5. Perennial ryegrass

    Plant type:Tetraploid types have double the number of chromosomes that diploid types have. ... The varieties Boomer, Camel, Roper and Prolong sold under the brand ‘Staggerfree’ have no endophyte and hence no lolitrem B.

  6. Forage sorghum and millet

    Forage sorghum and millet. Summary. This Agfact will help in making good decisions on crop choice, growing the crop, efficient and safe grazing management, avoiding common pitfalls and making money from

  7. Integrated pest management in greenhouses

    Control weeds on your farm. Work with neighbours to control weeds around the area. ... Knowing the pest. Effective management of pests is dependent on knowing the pest.

  8. West Wyalong District

    There is no single species pasture mixture that satisfies the entire district. ... However, the following mixtures will cover most situations, or can be varied to suit the individual requirements.

  9. European pear varieties

    European pear varieties. Summary. The pear varieties in this Agfact are divided into the following groups.

  10. Southern NSW research results|Southern NSW research results

    Southern NSW research results. NSW DPI welcomes you to the Southern NSW research results 2023. ... We acknowledge the many collaborators (growers, agribusiness and consultants) that make this research possible.

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