You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 31 - 40 of 1,007

  1. Grapevine phylloxera

    However, the insect is now present in most of the world’s viticultural regions as a result of the movement of phylloxera-infested grapevines, especially in the late 1800s. ... PDF, 235.6 KB). PDF, 1.4 MB). For all biosecurity enquiries:. Complete the

  2. NSW Hemp Industry

    The Taskforce will also not consider the legalisation of cannabis for recreational use. ... In July 2023, amendments were made to the Hemp Industry Act 2008 (the Act).

  3. Webinars and newsletters

    Webinars and newsletters. The Soils Unit convenes a free monthly webinar series; Soil Network of Knowledge (SNoK) and publishes a free quarterly e-newsletter All the Dirt.. ... To subscribe click on the following links:. You can catch up on past webinars

  4. Cotton gross margin budgets

    Cotton gross margin budgets. The budgets listed areare now available.

  5. Preventing pests and diseases in the greenhouse

    See'Keep it CLEAN - Reducing costs and losses in the management of pests and diseases in the greenhouse'. ... These are all described in the Keep it CLEAN guide, and they are available for download below.

  6. Controls over stock medicine use in NSW

    The APMVA prohibits the supply (sale) of date-expired products. Categories of animals. ... certain essential conditions (Section 39A(3)) and in spite of the prohibitions below.

  7. Crop nutrient replacement: calculator for fertiliser requirements

    nutrients removed by the leaves, shoots and roots have been established from overseas and local research;. ... Growth cycle stages can be used in lieu of the month, if required.

  8. Nuts

    Nuts. Nuts are grown in various areas of NSW, such as the northern, central and southern tablelands, the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Areas, inland river valleys and in coastal areas. ... The department's role is to provide support to the horticultural

  9. Worn parts help you part with your money

    Impeller wear. If the impeller is worn this can significantly increase your irrigation costs. ... Many other pump faults can cause these problems:. blockages in the suction pipe or opening;.

  10. Tropical perennial grasses - the role of fertilisers and nitrogen

    In an established pasture, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur should be applied annually to account for nutrients lost through product removal and ensure the pasture remains vigorous, producing high quality forage. ... When there are no legumes in the

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