You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 231 - 240 of 709

  1. Feedlotting lambs

    g. grain). This Primefact contains information on the following:. economic considerations. setting up the feedlot. ... selecting lambs. preparing the lambs. designing the ration. health and disease.

  2. National Goat Health Statement

    National Goat Health Statement. A national Goat Health Declaration is available from the Farm Biosecurity website. ... This statement allows goat vendors to provide assurance about the health status of the goats they're offering for sale.

  3. Fortified molasses mixes for cattle

    shown that they are far more effective in promoting the utilisation of dry feed and maintaining animal condition and production. ... Molasses has little protein, therefore urea and/or protein meal must be fed to balance the animal’s requirements and

  4. Animal welfare during dry times

    Penalties can apply for people who do not provide for the welfare of their animals. ... Visit the website or call the NSW Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511.

  5. Forms

    Protected Form C Application for the transfer of an animal display establishment.

  6. Sheep udder assessment at lamb marking

    The reproductive efficiency of your flock can be significantly improved by culling the poor performers (i.e. ... twice dry or twice lambed &lost) and selecting ‘wet’ ewes to remain in the flock.

  7. Cattle breeds: Romagnola

    The skin is pigmented and the coat short but it grows longer in cooler conditions. ... The breed is relatively late-maturing but has fast growth rates producing high-yielding, lean carcases.

  8. BreedObject - software to balance EBVs

    The program is designed for stud and commercial breeders and anyone else making selection decisions. ... Delivery options. The BreedObject technology was developed by the Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit (AGBU).

  9. How BREEDPLAN compares cattle in different environments

    These across-herd comparisons are now by far the most popular component of BREEDPLAN. ... Hence, we can determine the genetic change over time, that is the genetic trend.

  10. Changing authorities

    Changing your contact people or presenters. Adding, removing or changing the species you display.

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