You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 421 - 430 of 708

  1. Animals in film and theatrical performances

    Animals in film and theatrical performances. This code applies to all animals used in the production of films, TV, theatrical performances and photographs.

  2. Economic advantages of better management of your beef breeding herd

    Increasing the profitability of beef enterprises involves lowering the costs of production, increasing the overall income, or a combination of both. ... The primary focus of management of the breeding herd is to increase the number of calves each year

  3. Economic advantages of better management of your beef breeding herd

    Increasing the profitability of beef enterprises involves lowering the costs of production, increasing the overall income, or a combination of both. ... The primary focus of management of the breeding herd is to increase the number of calves each year

  4. Backyard beekeeping

    neighbours being stung or the disease risk of neglected hives.

  5. Waiting for Hendra test results

    caring for other animals while waiting for Hendra results. how to reduce the risk of people becoming infected.

  6. Testing for hygienic behaviour

    Bees that carry the hygienic behaviour trait detect and remove dead and diseased brood before it reaches the infectious stage, thereby preventing the spread of disease within the colony.

  7. Tocal dairy business report

    It is compiled by the NSW DPI Dairy Business Advisory Unit in conjunction with the Tocal Dairy team. ... This report presents information on the farm’s performance using information that is readily available within most dairy businesses.

  8. Cane tops as cattle fodder

    Cane tops as cattle fodder. Summary. Sugarcane tops are a by-product of sugarcane harvesting, comprising green leaves, the leaf bundle sheath and some immature cane. ... Unfortunately, there is little accurate information regarding the nutritional value

  9. Swine erysipelas

    Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae can survive for weeks outside the pig. Ecoshelters with deep litter bedding on earth bases can allow an environmental build-up of bacteria. ... The organism is occasionally isolated from cases of endocarditis in humans and

  10. Shearing shed design - lighting and ventilation

    Use the same size tube throughout the shed so that they are interchangeable. ... Painting. Light pastel colours are recommended for painting the inside of a shearing shed.

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