You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 51 - 60 of 708

  1. The 'U' bugle sheep yard

    The advantages of the ‘U’ bugle over the other circular designs are as follows:. ... The area can also be used to store equipment that is used frequently.

  2. Brucellosis (Brucella suis) in pigs

    The extent of the spread of Brucella suis into other regions of NSW is unknown. ... Topics include:. Moving pigs from interstate. Transmission. What are the symptoms in pigs?

  3. Foot and mouth disease

    Skin Disease and help position NSW as leaders in the fight against exotic animal diseases. ... An FMD outbreak is not just a threat to the Australian livestock sector.

  4. Rabbit farming: planning and development control guidelines|Rabbit farming: Planning and development control guidelines

    The contents of the REF should be similar to those of the SEE. ... Appropriate site selection is critical to the development of a sustainable rabbit enterprise.

  5. Caprine arthritis encephalitis (CAE)

    Contents include:. the virus. the disease. epidemiology. zoonotic risk. CAE risk factors.

  6. Prussic acid poisoning in livestock

    It then inhibits oxygen utilisation by the cells so that, in effect, the animal dies from asphyxia. ... Prussic acid is also known as hydrocyanic acid (HCN). This Primefact includes information on the following:.

  7. Dogs, cats, horses and other pets 

    animals. To learn more about the exhibition and display of companion animals visit  Zoo, circus and other exhibited animals. ... To learn more about the use of companion animals in research and teaching visit  Animals in research and teaching.

  8. Cattle transport costs - calculator

    For instructions on the use of this calculator, see Primefact 299 Cattle transport costs - calculator instructions.

  9. Improving automatic jetting races

    In 1992 the Kondinin Group surveyed a number of sheep jetting races. ... This Agnote reports the general principles for effective jetting. It includes diagrams of jetting equipment and a table with information about nozzle dimensions.

  10. Drone honey bees: rearing and maintenance

    Drone honey bees: rearing and maintenance. Summary. This Agnote covers the capacity of a colony to rear and maintain drones, factors affecting the eviction of drones, ways of extending the drone ... breeding season and the relationship between drones and

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