You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 61 - 70 of 709

  1. NSW Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 Authority Conditions - Frequently Asked Questions

    The new authority conditions provide improved clarity to authority holders on the legislative requirements under the NSW Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 (the Act) and the associated Regulation and Standards. ... Authority holders will have a 6

  2. Honey bees on canola

    Honey bees on canola. Summary. This Agnote explains the management of bees, honey and pollen in canola crops.

  3. What is KIDPLAN?

    Step 2: Visit Sheep Genetics' Australian Subscription or International Subscription pages and follow the steps to subscribe. ... All content on this page is direct from the Sheep Genetics KIDPLAN website.

  4. Equine Herpes virus abortion

    Non-infectious causes of abortion are more common than infectious causes. Problems associated with the umbilical cord, disorders of the placenta, disorders of the foetus, twins, stress and trauma are examples ... EHV1). This Primefact provides

  5. Squab raising

    Squab raising. Summary. There has been a gradual development in the Australian table pigeon industry since its introduction from overseas some years ago.

  6. Goat health - tetanus

    These bacteria live in the soil, in faeces and in dust on the goat’s skin. ... When a penetrating wound occurs, tetanus bacteria may multiply in the wound and produce a powerful toxin.

  7. NSW Fresh Milk and Dairy Advocate

    He has worked closely with NSW DPI to establish the Dairy Business Advisory Unit. ... developing a NSW Dairy Action Plan. reporting on the NSW Dairy Action Plan.

  8. The Value of Genomics for Beef Producers

    The Value of Genomics for Beef Producers. Summary. The use of genomic information offers a powerful advantage to seed stock breeders and commercial producers in increasing the rate of genetic gain ... Genomics incorporates using an animal’s DNA to

  9. Stockfeed vendor declarations

    Stockfeed vendor declarations. Summary. When you buy stock feeds, you may receive any of the following three stock feed vendor declaration forms:.

  10. Summary of the 2007/08 Equine Influenza Outbreak

    Veterinary investigators launched a major exercise to trace the spread of the disease. ... a belt from Sydney, through the Hunter region and into North Western NSW.

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