You searched for myrtle rust

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  1. Myrtle rust

    Myrtle rust. Myrtle rust in Australia. Myrtle rust (Puccinia psidii) is a fungal disease which infects plants in the Myrtaceae family. ... In Tasmania myrtle rust is found on properties on the north-west coast.

  2. Primefact Myrtle Rust

    Primefact Myrtle Rust. Summary. Myrtle rust (Puccinia psidii) is a fungal disease which infects plants in the Myrtaceae family. ... Since myrtle rust was first detected in NSW in April 2010 it has spread across eastern Australia.

  3. Insect pests and plant diseases

    Insect pests and plant diseases. Thumbnail. Title. Crops/s affected. Multiple hosts. Yellow spotted stink bug. Multiple hosts. Multiple hosts. Tomato red spider mite. Multiple hosts. Tomatoes. Cotton. Multiple hosts. Multiple hosts. Sth African

  4. Gateway pests of NSW

    Module 3: Exotic reptiles, stinkbugs and plane tree pests. Module 4: Exotic mammals, khapra beetle, tomato potato psyllid and Myrtle rust.

  5. Blueberry rust

    Blueberry rust. Primefact number:1432 Edition:1st  Published: January 2016 Author:Plant Biosecurity &Product Integrity. ... Blueberry rust was detected in the Melbourne metropolitan area towards the end of 2014.

  6. Grapevine leaf rust

    Symptoms. Grapevine leaf rust appears as angular brown spots on the topside of the leaf. ... Infection of leaves by grapevine leaf rust can be found throughout the canopy.

  7. Cedar apple rust

    species). Cedar apple rust reduces orchard productivity by defoliating apple trees and blemishing apple fruit. ... Disease cycle. The disease cycle of the cedar apple rust fungus is complex.

  8. Pyriform scale

    Hosts include a number of horticultural and ornamental plants such as mango, avocado, citrus, banana, guava, passionfruit, pomegranate, papaya, eucalyptus, hibiscus, gardenia, ivy, myrtle, laurels, paperplant and frangipani.

  9. Blueberry leaftier

    When the moths’ wings are folded the main colour that can be seen is rust red-brown bordered by yellow margins. ... The body and head are also yellow in colour and two small yellow spots can be seen in the centre of the rust coloured patch (Figure 1).

  10. Tomato red spider mite

    They are bright and clear when newly laid becoming rust red prior to hatching.

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