You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 121 - 130 of 428

  1. Fox biology

    Densities vary from around 1/km. 2. in the coastal forests, 2 to 5/km. ... 2. in the semi-arid and sub-alpine regions and 6 to 8/km.

  2. Bats and health risks

    If you notice multiple deaths or unusual symptoms in bats you should call the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline on 1800 675 888. ... As humans move into bat environments and bats adapt to sharing man-made environments, the opportunities for transmission

  3. Australian paper wasps

    Australian paper wasps. Polistes humilis. Should I report? Australian (or common) paper wasps are found across the southern mainland of Australia. ... They can be territorial if their nest is threatened and will sting if they feel the need.

  4. Programs and projects

    The Department's Senior Veterinary Officer for your locality can provide more details. ... For more information, visit the program webpage. National Transmissible Spongiform Encephelopathy Surveillance Project.

  5. Feral pigs

    reduces the time between breeding events. increases litter size and survival rates of young. ... This is especially important when conditions are hot. The home range size is:.

  6. Alligator weed control manual|Alligator weed control manual

    Alligator weed control manual. Alligator weed is one of the greatest threats to waterways, wetlands, floodplains and irrigation systems in Australia. ... The information has been reviewed by technical experts, managers and practitioners in order to

  7. Hunting licences

    Hunting licences. The type of licence you need to legally hunt in NSW depends on:. ... the type of animal to be hunted. the land to be hunted on – public or private.

  8. Little cherry disease

    Discolouration is more likely to appear on the basal leaves of the current season’s growth (Figure 2). ... Ornamental cherry species especially cultivars of the oriental flowering cherry (Prunus serrulata) may be infected but are symptomless.

  9. Red turpentine beetle|Red turpentine beetle

    A pair of adult beetles will feed on the phloem, forming an egg gallery. ... monitor your crops regularly. monitor and control weeds that can harbour the pest.

  10. Feral deer in New South Wales

    Feral deer in New South Wales. Summary. Feral deer are a priority pest animal in NSW and we need the help of the community to manage feral deer populations and impacts. ... This factsheet covers the following topics;. Why feral deer are a problem.

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