You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 161 - 170 of 428

  1. Australian bat lyssavirus and other bat health risks

    Australian bat lyssavirus and other bat health risks. Bats play a vital role in maintaining the health of our ecosystems. ... The best known are Hendra virus and Australian Bat Lyssavirus (ABLV) while a lesser known one is called Menangle virus.

  2. CVO Bulletins

    CVO Bulletin - Japanese encephalitis 2022- 2023 season: first detection for the season (November 2022) (PDF, 66.2 KB).

  3. VETLEARN - Veterinarians, hobby farmers and backyard livestock

    How to register. You will only need to register for the course once. ... Click on Create new account (below the log in icon), and fill in all fields.

  4. Parthenium weed - our greatest threat|Parthenium - our greatest threat

    Any grain bin area, including any auger. The engine compartment, including the radiator core. ... Parthenium weed is a prohibited plant in NSW under the NSW Biosecurity Act 2015.

  5. Bees and wasps

    If you suspect you have found an exotic species then you must report it to the department:. ... Call the Exotic Plant Pest hotline on 1800 084 881. Submit an online form, OR.

  6. Biosecurity forms

    Please refer to the factsheets to learn more about the requirements and the mandatory documentation. ... The updated Record of Movement app was released July 2023! Improved function (APP).

  7. Resources

    PestSmart Connect was developed by the Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre in late 2014/early 2015 to replace the website. ... FeralScan - FeralScan is a community website that allows you to map sightings of pest animals and

  8. Your role in Biosecurity

    Report anything unusual to the department. Participate where you can when we are responding to incursions and biosecurity emergencies. ... Everyone is required to follow the rules that prohibit some high-risk activities and materials.

  9. Hunters

    Protect the environment from pests, weeds and diseases. Responsible hunting practices are all part of being biosecure. ... Reporting any illegal hunting in NSW through Crime Stoppers Shut the gate program.

  10. ICA Procedures

    ICA Procedures. Visit the Australian Interstate Quarantine web site to search by topic and / or state or territory for more information on ICA arrangements. ... CA-22 Testing and monitoring Euphoriba spp for the absence of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus

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