You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 31 - 40 of 428

  1. Veterinarians

    Maintaining hygiene standards in your clinic to prevent the spread of disease and illness. ... Visit the Biosecurity policies and procedures page for more. Your general biosecurity duty.

  2. Interstate Certification Assurance (ICA) arrangements

    These PHACs issued by ICA accredited businesses have the same legal force/value as Plant Health Certificates (PHCs) issued by State government Inspectors. ... This Factsheet covers the following topics:. Applying. Audit and accreditation. Audit fees

  3. NSW Codes of Practice and Standard Operating Procedures

    NSW Codes of Practice and Standard Operating Procedures. NSW Codes of Practice and Standard Operating Procedures for the effective and humane management of pest animals. ... The following list of standard operating procedures help ensure that vertebrate

  4. NSW State of Biosecurity Report

    Biosecurity benefits NSW by protecting the state from the negative impacts of animal and plant pests, diseases, and weeds. ... The NSW Government committed to the tabling in both Houses of Parliament once every four years, a state of biosecurity report

  5. Wild dog management strategy

    Wild dog management strategy. Summary. This Strategy is an update of the NSW Wild Dog Management Strategy 2017-2021 and identifies specific actions to minimise wild dog impacts in the State. ... It details the roles and responsibilities of Government

  6. Vertebrate Pest Research

    The unit’s applied research has direct relevance to the agricultural community in particular. ... development and refinement of animal welfare best practice for the control of pest animals.

  7. Weed control in summer crops

    In dryland crops where water is often severely limited, competition for water is the most critical factor in reducing yields. ... Management practices that combine all of the available methods are the key to successful weed control.

  8. NSW Vertebrate pesticide manual

    NSW Vertebrate pesticide manual. This manual was written primarily for government officers involved in the control of vertebrate pests in New South Wales. ... Information in this manual has been endorsed by all the major agencies involved in

  9. European House Borer

    Frass– this is the droppings of the EHB larvae mixed with fine wood dust. ... EHB Larvae– larvae are rarely seen as they are hidden in the timber.

  10. Lupin anthracnose

    NSW DPI and LLS rapidly implemented a response plan to eradicate the disease. ... If infection occurs early in the season lesions can be found on seedlings.

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