You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 311 - 320 of 428

  1. Glassy-winged sharpshooter

    You can report notifiable plant pests and diseases by one of the following methods:. ... The female dusts the egg mass with a secretion that resembles white chalk.

  2. Cabomba control manual|Cabomba control manual

    Cabomba originated in South America (southern Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and north-east Argentina) and is widely naturalised in the south-east of the USA. ... It is considered a serious weed in the USA, China, Canada, the Netherlands, Japan and India and

  3. Bacterial blight of grapevine

    Lens-shaped cracks and cankers then develop and are sometimes as deep as the pith. ... Within the vineyard, spread from the initial infection point tends to occur along the rows.

  4. Bellinger River Snapping Turtle response

    Bellinger River Snapping Turtle response. The Bellinger River Snapping Turtle (Myuchelys georgesi) is endemic to a 70km stretch of the Bellinger River in northern NSW. ... In February 2015, a significant mortality event of Bellinger River Snapping

  5. Primefact Myrtle Rust

    Primefact Myrtle Rust. Summary. Myrtle rust (Puccinia psidii) is a fungal disease which infects plants in the Myrtaceae family.

  6. CRC for Australian Weed Management|Weeds CRC publications

    Weeds CRC publications. The following are publications from Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management (Weed CRC) that may still have relevant information.

  7. Rabbit control

    Rabbit control. Integrated rabbit management. The European rabbit is declared a noxious animal in NSW. ... Shooting at night under a spotlight is the more efficient than daylight shooting.

  8. Yellow top borer

    The males have dirty-white hindwings while the female moths have silky-white hindwings (Figure 2). ... Host range. The main host plant of yellow top borer is sugarcane (Saccharum officinale).

  9. African hedgehog

    Side view of albino African hedgehog. The African hedgehog has four toes on each foot. ... The young are born in a nest and are blind and naked at birth.

  10. Veiled chameleon

    Please see copyright notice below. Report sightings. Complete the Report an unusual animal sighting form or;. ... Males reach 61cm total length and females grow to about half the size of males.

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