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Showing results 141 - 150 of 1,075

  1. Longtail Tuna|Longtail Tuna

    Longtail Tuna. Characteristics. Longtail Tuna, also known as Northern Bluefin Tuna, are a member of the family Scombridae. ... Confusing species. Similar in appearance to Southern Bluefin, but possess a more streamline body, particularly the rear half.

  2. Rainbow Trout|Rainbow Trout

    Colours vary from silver to pale olive-brownish, darker dorsally with spots on the head, body, dorsal and tail. ... They have a rosy pink stripe along the mid-line and gill covers.

  3. Amberjack|Amberjack

    Amberjack. Characteristics. Best separated from the Samsonfish by its more torpedo shaped body and lower head profile. ... A more tropical species that is often found in coastal NSW, usually with the warmer, summer waters.

  4. Estuary Prawn Trawl Management Advisory Committee

    Estuary Prawn Trawl Management Advisory Committee. The Estuary Prawn Trawl Management Advisory Committee was a statutory body responsible for advising the Minister on matters relating to the commercial fishing industry. ... The committee was established

  5. Lobster Management Advisory Committee

    Lobster Management Advisory Committee. The Lobster Management Advisory Committee was a statutory body responsible for advising the Minister on matters relating to the commercial fishing industry. ... Outcomes-from-the-Lobster-Industry-Working-Group-meetin

  6. FishOnline - FisherDirect

    It does not authorise them to act on your behalf outside of the FisherDirect system. ... You can appoint an agent to undertake any or all of the following roles in the system:.

  7. Recreational Fishing Research Surveys

    Appendices. Appendices listed at the end of the report can be foundĀ  here (PDF, 702.93 KB). ... Survey of Recreational Fishing in New South Wales and the ACT, 2013/14 (PDF, 3900.7 KB).

  8. Go Charter Fishing in NSW

    The best way to do this is to book a charter fishing trip. ... Select from the available charter fishing boat operators. Follow the links to book your trip.

  9. Flathead (Dusky) <i>Platycephalus fuscus</i>|Flathead (Dusky)

    They occur over sand, mud, gravel and seagrass and can inhabit estuarine waters up to the tidal limit. ... Distinguished from other flathead by the black spot at the caudal end of the tail.

  10. Spiny Crayfish|Spiny Crayfish

    Distribution. Euastacus Crayfish, also known as spiny crayfish, are widely distributed in Australia living in both cold and warm habitats from far north Queensland to the South Australia/Victoria border.

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