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Showing results 151 - 160 of 1,075

  1. Fishing competition and event management|Fishing competition and event management

    Guidelines have been developed to help event organisers abide by the voluntary Code of Practice. ... It is available in two formats to enable changes to the form to suit your individual event.

  2. Cuttlefish <i>Sepia spp.</i>|Cuttlefish

    Size. The Australian Giant Cuttlefish has been recorded over 40 cm mantle length and more than 5 kg in weight. ... Distribution. Several species of cuttlefish inhabit NSW waters ranging from the shallow inshore reefs and weeds beds to deep offshore areas.

  3. Samsonfish <i>Seriola hippos</i>|Samsonfish

    These fish have a blunt head that lessons in degree as the fish ages and may show a yellow band down the side of the body.

  4. Trevallies|Trevallies

    The Larger Trevally species can grow up to 2 m and about 80 kg. ... At least 23 species of Trevally are found along the east coast of Australia.

  5. Estuarine habitats

    A series of maps of the State's estuarine habitats are now available. ... Macroalgae are members of the huge group of aquatic plants know as algae.

  6. Fish species which cannot be imported into NSW without a specific permit

    This list is from Schedule 3 (Importation of live fish – prohibited species) of the Fisheries Management (General) Regulation 2002. ... NOTE: 'Category A' fish are those posing threats to the environment - a full risk assessment is required.

  7. User guidelines - offshore artificial reefs

    For further information on proper releasing technique, visit the Catch and release page. ... There are a number of species that may be encountered on the reef.

  8. Removal of large woody debris

    This practice was one of the most significant forms of habitat degradation in NSW waterways. ... Efforts to re-snag are made more difficult due to the lack of large woody debris available.

  9. Recreational Fishing Havens - Camden River

    No person should rely on this map for the purpose of any business, financial or real property decision. ... Contact your local NSW DPI Office or read the closure notice for more information.

  10. Yellowfin Bream|Yellowfin Bream

    Distribution. Yellowfin Bream are found along the NSW coast, as well as in Queensland and Victoria. ... Tarwhine have rounded, convex heads and a gold spot on each scale giving the fish a series of longitudinal bands.

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