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Showing results 391 - 400 of 1,075

  1. Tailor <i>Pomatomus saltatrix</i>|Tailor

    Distribution. Tailor are found from Fraser Island in Queensland around the coast to Point Quobba in Western Australia (including Tasmania).

  2. Far West Recreational Fishing Guide

    The Far West district lies in the far western part of New South Wales and is bordered by Victoria, South Australia and Queensland. ... This Primefact provides valuable information on fishing in the Far West including:.

  3. Volunteering information

    contacting the Fishcare coordinator prior to undertaking duty including location and time frame. ... This organisation provides all our people with the opportunity to resolve disputes with respect and dignity.

  4. Bigeye tuna <i>Thunnus obesus</i>|Bigeye Tuna

    Bigeye Tuna. Scientific name. Thunnus obesus. Characteristics. Bigeye Tuna are a member of the family Scombridae and are easily distinguished by their noticeably larger eyes, hence the name. ... Confusing Species. Juvenile Bigeye Tuna are often confused

  5. Moses Snapper|Moses Snapper

    There are about 6 golden strips running along the body, which are more prominent on larger fish. ... The flesh is white and firm and it is considered one of our better table fish.

  6. Native Oyster|Native Oyster

    Native Oyster. Characteristics. Flat oysters are bivalve molluscs belonging to the family Ostreidae. ... These oysters live in the subtidal zone from about 2 to 20 m depth.

  7. Threatened species distribution maps

    More detailed mapping is not available for the majority of these as most are highly mobile and can occur throughout the coastal waters of NSW. ... The maps are available in formats useful for regional and site-based planning and assessments.

  8. Wattamolla Lagoon

    Methods of fishing prohibited. Period. Wattamolla Lagoon. The whole of the waters of Wattamolla Lagoon (Royal National Park). ... unless otherwise specified. For more detailed local information see the Sydney South Recreational Fishing Guide.

  9. Life under the sea|Life under the sea

    Life under the sea. Lord Howe Island Marine Park, with it's unique mix of warm and cool ocean currents, is home to over 500 fish species, 90 coral species and ... Explore the local marine environment:.

  10. Assessing the impact of floodgates on fish passage

    Assessing the impact of floodgates on fish passage. Download.

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