You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 671 - 680 of 1,075

  1. Oyster research and development

    30. Understanding how to condition the Sydney rock oyster. Principal Investigator  Abigail Elizur. ... 32. Evaluating the impact of an improved retailing concept for oysters in Fishmongers.

  2. Estuary cod

    coioides and E. malabaricus) have not been distinguished during most of the production. ... There are numerous small orange- brown spots on the head, body and fins.

  3. Fishers for fish habitat 2014

    The 2014 Fishers for Fish Habitat Forum was held in the Central West city of Dubbo. ... The programme. The event kicked off on Friday afternoon 22 August at Club Dubbo (West Dubbo Bowls Club).

  4. Two dollars for one dollar native fish stocking program

    species), and the applicant will be notified on the outcome of their application. ... Date approved:. June 2023. Location of the stocking event:. Lake Yarrunga/Tallowa Dam.

  5. Important Information about the Permit

    Terms used in Schedule B of the aquaculture permit have the same meaning as in the Act. ... c) An aquaculture permit remains in force until it is cancelled or replaced with another aquaculture permit in accordance with section 151 of the Act.

  6. Go Fishing – St Georges Basin

    The Basin is famous for its giant dusky flathead and is home to a plethora of other popular estuary sportfish. ... See separate Fact Box on page 6 for details and GPS co-ordinates for the artificial reefs.

  7. New marine lease - information kit

    write to all parties who have submitted an EOI, providing the tender details. ... offer a tender premium for the proposed marine lease you wish to lease.

  8. Fish friendly councils top tip 10

    Fish friendly councils top tip 10. 10. Promote your fish friendly work to the wider community. ... Your council may already be doing great work but do the ratepayers know?

  9. Aquaculture lease conditions

    relevant aquaculture industry development plan notified from time to time by the Secretary of the Department, and. ... Section 177 specifies other grounds on which the lease may be cancelled, including non-payment of rent.

  10. Spanner Crab Harvest Strategy

    A Goal and Strategic Objectives that link the strategy to relevant legislation and policy. ... Consider the interests of recreational fishers and Aboriginal people in management of the fishery.

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