You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 821 - 830 of 1,075

  1. Line & Trap Harvest Strategy Working Group

    The newly appointed Chairperson and members are all well qualified and bring decades of experience to the Working Group. ... Other members of the working group include:. Recreational fishers – Mr Ian Puckeridge, Mr Brad-Lee Gibson and Mr James Norris.

  2. Cultural heritage|Cultural heritage

    Many significant Aboriginal cultural and spiritual sites are located within or adjacent to the Marine Park including:. ... See the Aboriginal engagement and cultural use of fisheries resources policy for more information.

  3. Murray cod - industry profile

    Investors can obtain marketing information about farmed Murray cod from the following sources:. ... Economic analysis for farms of variable sizes have also been undertaken in the following:.

  4. Merimbula offshore artificial reef

    When approaching the reef, courtesy should be given to fishers who are already using the reef. ... Due to safety concerns and the intricate design of the reefs, NSW DPI does not recommend SCUBA diving on the reef.

  5. Game fish tagging publications list

    Final Report for Project R06/822 to the Australian Fisheries Management Authority, Canberra, pp. ... Kingsford, M.J. and A. Defries(1999).The ecology and fishery for Coryphaena spp.

  6. Giant Queensland groper

    They have a wide distribution throughout the tropical waters of the Indo-West Pacific. ... The mottled colouration blends with the surroundings, providing good camouflage for ambush hunting.

  7. Useful links

    Useful links. Project delivery. Financial contributors. Supporting organisations. Eastern King prawn background.

  8. SCUBA diving and snorkelling|SCUBA diving and snorkelling

    Did you know that charter operators support about 10, 000 dives in the park each year? ... With more than 30 dive sites in and around the bay, here are just a few popular spots:.

  9. Habitat Action Grant projects 2012-2013

    Hunter Central Rivers. Weed control and revegetation along a section of the Hunter River near Denman. ... $1, 000. Enhancing the Lachlan - Improving recreational fisheries in the Lachlan River adjacent to the Cowra CBD.

  10. Fish habitat in the recreational fishing media

    Fish habitat in the recreational fishing media. If habitat is part of the conversation, are recreational fishers having it? ... The following report outlines the findings. Download.

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