You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 891 - 900 of 1,075

  1. Improving fish passage through wetland flow control structures in the lower River Murray

    Improving fish passage through wetland flow control structures in the lower River Murray. ... The project aimed to improve how wetland inlet structures were managed for fish.

  2. Priorities Action Statement - Actions for Darling River Hardyhead population in the Hunter River catchment

    Priorities Action Statement - Actions for Darling River Hardyhead population in the Hunter River catchment. ... Collect data on the presence/absence of Darling River Hardyhead during incidental surveys (High priority).

  3. Importance of the Fly Point - Corrie Island sanctuary zone|Importance of the Fly Point - Corrie Island sanctuary zone

    Halifax Park Aquatic Reserve and now as part of the Fly Point – Corrie Island sanctuary zone. ... migratory birds protected under the international CAMBA/JAMBA agreements with Japan and China.

  4. Fish smart App Terms and Conditions

    understand (s) that the selection of these images are chosen at the Department’s discretion. ... Privacy. Your privacy and the safeguarding of customer information is important to us.

  5. Eastern blue devil fish

    When blue devil fish spread these fins they overlap, making the fish appear larger. ... The predominant threat to Eastern blue devil fish is collection and trade for marine aquariums.

  6. Class A Aquaculture Permit - Information Kit

    sites that have been approved for shellfish farming activities by the appropriate authorities. ... NSW DPI may cancel an aquaculture permit under Section 160 of the Act.

  7. Scalloped Hammerhead Shark

    The teeth of the Scalloped Hammerhead are also usually smooth edged, while the Smooth Hammerhead usually has weakly serrated teeth. ... Slow growth and late maturation reduces the potential for quick recovery of the species.

  8. Primefact: Silver Perch

    Primefact: Silver Perch. Summary. Silver perch, also known as bidyan or black or silver bream, are a moderate to large freshwater fish native to the Murray-Darling river system. ... Harvesting silver perch from fish farms is also permitted. The contents

  9. Fish friendly councils top tip 1

    Council can. learn about the species, distribution and status of native fish in the local region, including threatened and protected species. ... Of the 300 species of native freshwater fish known in Australia, 40 % are considered of conservation concern.

  10. Fish friendly councils top tip 2

    ensure works avoid or minimise impacts on key fish habitat. See the Council and developer tool kit.. ... Case Study - Assisting in the recovery of the endangered Oxleyan Pygmy Perch, Richmond Valley Council.

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