You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 91 - 100 of 1,075

  1. Rehabilitating habitats

    Rehabilitating habitats. To better manage our aquatic ecosystems we need to repair the damage from the past.

  2. Freshwater ecosystems research|Freshwater ecosystems research

    Freshwater ecosystems research. We help people look after fish. Freshwater Ecosystems Research (FER) delivers information, insights and innovations to empower the conservation, recovery and wise use of freshwater fish and their

  3. Mulloway Length Survey

    Location of fishing activity. Instructions:Use the map controls to drag and zoom. ... Your privacy is protected under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.

  4. Endangered species - Southern Bluefin Tuna|Southern Bluefin Tuna

    Their upper bodies are blackish-blue and the underside is a silver colour. ... They tend to form large surface schools in offshore waters off southern Australia at certain times of the year.

  5. Artificial reefs

    The NSW DPI artificial reef program is building offshore reefs to enhance recreational fishing. ... The deployment of the Shoalhaven OAR in January 2015. Sydney OAR being deployed in October 2011.

  6. Bringing Back the Fish Project reports

    As a result of the project:. 86 poorly-designed weirs, road crossings or floodgates were fixed. ... remediation of high priority barriers to migratory fish, and rehabilitated aquatic habitats from Eden in the south to Tweed Heads in the north.

  7. Yabby (Cherax destructor)|Yabby

    Yabby. Scientific name. Cherax destructor. Characteristics. The Yabby is a member of the family Parastacidae. ... They possess broad, spade-like claws, a short smooth rostrum (forward projecting spine between the eyes) and are generally pale to dark

  8. How you can help

    What are the easy things you can do to help? Attend a Fishers for Fish Habitat Forum. ... Follow the rules and regulations that relate to fishing andfor activities that need one.

  9. Protecting habitats

    provide social and economic benefits for the wider community of New South Wales.'. ... Privately owned land is not exempt. How can I do the right thing?

  10. Committees

    Committees. The aquaculture industry is supported by the following committees.

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