You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 921 - 930 of 1,075

  1. Threat abatement plan - large woody debris

    The plan proposes a combination of new initiatives and coordination of existing efforts. ... The document provides guidance on the actions required to eliminate, manage or mitigate the threat posed by the removal of large woody debris from NSW

  2. Fish friendly councils top tip 10

    Fish friendly councils top tip 10. 10. Promote your fish friendly work to the wider community. ... Your council may already be doing great work but do the ratepayers know?

  3. Current projects on Trout Cod

    The fish are produced at the Narrandera Fisheries Centre using wild broodstock sourced from the Murray River. ... Watch a video about the Trout Cd stocking into the Upper Murrumbidgee River  (1:32 mins).

  4. Sea urchin and turban shell restricted fishery closures

    Ex-HMAS Adelaide Reserve. The whole of the waters enclosed by the following coordinates:. ... from the point 150 46′06.0456″ east, 35 06′43.992″ south.

  5. Transmit aquaculture lease - information kit

    For further details on transfer requirements please refer to the transfer lease information kit. ... The endorsed original lease documents are returned to the new lessee for safekeeping.

  6. Review and reporting arrangements

    State of the Environment Reports;. Statutory reviews of recovery and threat abatement plans;. ... Each amendment or review of the PAS must be subject to a public consultation procedure.

  7. Fisheries compliance enforcement 2018-19

    709 from other sources such as Fisheries Officers and verbal reports from the community. ... The most popular day for reports was Sunday followed by Saturday and Monday.

  8. Fisheries Compliance Enforcement 2017-18

    The most popular day for reports was Sunday followed by Saturday and Monday. ... Investigating unauthorised dredging &reclamation on a stream near Guyra in the Northern Tablelands.

  9. Fisheries Compliance Enforcement 2014-15

    Cockles seized from Lake Macquarie. Fish and cast net seized from The Entrance. ... Fish trap seized from Murray River. Fish traps seized from the Murray River.

  10. Fisheries Compliance Enforcement 2013-14

    The pair will appear in a local court on a number of charges. ... Two of the offenders also plead guilty to failing to pay the recreational fishing fee.

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