You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 931 - 940 of 1,075

  1. Fisheries Compliance Enforcement 2010-11

    FMA1994 is the Fisheries Management Act 1994. FM(G) R2010 is the Fisheries Management (General) Regulation 2010. ... Two men were arrested on the NSW South Coast and more that 1300 abalone were seized.

  2. Hanley's River Snail

    Habitat. The species once occurred in flowing, well-oxygenated waters throughout the Murray River catchment. ... Removal of large woody debris from rivers results in direct habitat loss for the species.

  3. Monitoring dissolved oxygen

    large blooms of phytoplankton, zooplankton and other pond organisms respiring during the night. ... spray water across the pond surface. use tractor PTO run paddlewheels or sprayers.

  4. Aquatic habitat protection and rehabilitation

    The Badja Reserve is a popular recreation area at the junction of two rivers. ... This junction is very much the focal point of all activities and now the bank needs repair.

  5. Trawl Whiting Harvest Strategy Working Group

    He was a member of the group that developed the National Harvest Strategy Guidelines. ... Other members of the Working Group included:. Mr Brett Bollinger – NSW Ocean Trawl Fishery member.

  6. Current projects on Silver Perch

    The fish are produced at the Narrandera Fisheries Centre using wild broodstock sourced from the Murray River. ... Another 38, 000 Silver Perch were stocked in the Namoi River in March 2022.

  7. Improving fish passage through wetland flow control structures in the lower River Murray

    Improving fish passage through wetland flow control structures in the lower River Murray. ... The project aimed to improve how wetland inlet structures were managed for fish.

  8. Priorities Action Statement - Actions for the Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon

    Collate data on the historical distribution of Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon including anecdotal and indigenous knowledge(Low priority). ... Collect data on the presence/absence of Southern Purple Spotted Gudgeon during incidental surveys(High priority)

  9. Aquaculture Lease Modification Application Q&A

    Why is a modification of the two fish farm approvals being applied for?. ... The changes will result in a reduction in the stocking density of fish.

  10. Posidonia australis

    Posidonia australis. Posidonia australis (or Posidonia for short) is a species of seagrass that occurs in the southern half of Australia. ... In NSW, it can be found in 17 estuaries, from Wallis Lake to Twofold Bay near the New South Wales/Victorian

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