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Showing results 71 - 80 of 129

  1. NLIS - Cattle

    Sources: [Enter sources] PROC22/XX/XX 1. Department of Primary Industries Department of Regional NSW. Biosecurity – National Livestock Identification System - Cattle. Procedure Number:. INT17/25254 Version: 2.0. Authorised by: Group Director,

  2. Saving soil

    Saving Soil A landholder’s guide to preventing and repairing soil erosion. Saving Soil A landholder’s guide to preventing and repairing soil erosion. Stephanie Alt, Abigail Jenkins &Rebecca Lines-Kelly NSW Department of Primary Industries.

  3. Northern NSW research results 2018

    Northern NSW research results 2018 R E S E A R C H &D E V E L O P M E N T – I N D E P E N D E N T R E S E A R C H F O R I N D U S T R Y. NSW DEPARTMENT OF PRIMARY INDUSTRIES NORTHERN RESEARCH RESULTS 2018 | 1. Northern NSW

  4. Northern NSW research results 2019

    Northern NSW Research Results 2019

  5. DPI emergency response roles

    EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. DPI emergency response roles. Published by the NSW Department of Primary Industries. DPI Emergency Response Roles. First published March 2017. More information Emergency Management Unit, Biosecurity and Food Safety.

  6. Public Consultation Document: Volume 2

    This is the Second of Three Volumes of the Environmental Impact Statement on the NSW Abalone Fishery. VOLUME 2. Consideration of Alternative Management Regimes. The Draft Fishery Management Strategy. Assessment of the Potential Impacts of

  7. Phosphorus nutrition for winter crops

    AGFACTS AGFACTS AGFACTS. Phosphorus Nutrition for Winter Crops Agfact P1.4.5, second edition 2003 C L Mullen, District Agronomist, Dubbo, NSW Agriculture R L Gammie, formerly Program Leader (Agricultural Systems), NSW

  8. An Assessment of Economic and Social Issues in the New South Wales Abalone Fishery Management Strategy (2005)

    Economic Issues: NSW Abalone Fishery Dominion Consulting Pty Ltd. 1. FINAL. An Assessment of Economic and Social Issues in the New South Wales Abalone Fishery. Management Strategy. A Report to NSW Fisheries. By. Dominion Consulting Pty Ltd. June

  9. NSW Game Hunting Guide

    NSW Game Hunting Guide. NSW Game Hunting Guide. NSW Department of Primary Industries April 2017. Published by the NSW Department of Primary Industries. NSW Game Hunting Guide. First published April 2017. ISBN 978-1-74256-917-8. More

  10. pru-regulatory-framework.pdf

    1 NSW Department of primary Industries, May 2020. Regulatory Framework. Plantations Regulation Unit. 2 NSW Department of primary Industries, May 2020. Contents. 1. Introduction 3. 2. Plantations Regulation Unit’s core purpose 3. Figure 1: PRU