You searched for myrtle rust

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  1. overview-of-the-nsw-fmf.v1.1-march-2021.pdf

    The NSW forest management framework is a comprehensive system for delivering ecologically sustainable forest management across the full range of land tenures. The framework includes overarching policy and legislation, institutional and

  2. Winter crop variety sowing guide 2015 now available|Winter crop variety sowing guide 2015 now available

    The guide provides valuable information to growers on varieties susceptible to other cereal leaf diseases, including stem rust, leaf rust, crown rot, yellow leaf spot and barley powdery mildew and how

  3. DPI plant pathologist recognised with Lester Burgess Award

    Dr Moore has assisted with the disease management aspects for other pathogens such as Phytophthora, Botrytis and Sclerotinia in chickpeas and Leaf Rust in faba beans.”.

  4. Best management practices for retained areas in plantations

    Best Management Practices. for retained areas in forestry plantations. Title: Best Management Practices for retained areas in forestry plantations. Edited by: Liz Baker, Wayne Garrard, and Belinda Martin (NSW DPI). State of New South Wales through

  5. New crop varieties for growers to consider in 2023

    Mr Matthews said the 2022 season has highlighted the importance of selecting varieties with resistance to key diseases such as stripe rust in wheat.

  6. Temperate perennial pasture establishment guide

    This publication focuses on the successful establishment of introduced temperate perennial pasture species. The establishment period extends from the initial planning two years before sowing, through to site preparation, the sowing process and until

  7. Farrer Memorial Trust Medal recipients and orations

    Dr C R Wellings: The stripe rust race: from state to nation to world. ... Prof W L Waterhouse: Some aspects of the wheat rust problem.

  8. mdb-native-fish-values-scoping-project-report.pdf

    Report for the scoping project to develop a methodology to assess the valley-scale economic and social values of native fish and recreational fishing in the Murray-Darling Basin. The report summarises and assesses socio-economic valuation

  9. IPM for australian apples and pears complete.pdf

    I N T E G R AT E D P E S T M A N A G E M E N T F O R. APPLES &PEARS A U S T R A L I A N. W W W. I N D U S T R Y. N S W. G O V. A U. I n t e g r at e d p e s t m a n a g e m e n t f o r. apples &pears a U s t r a l I a n. This document has been

  10. Old Aggies Newsletter - March 2023

    He pointed out that the pattern of distribution of the rust pathogens in the genus Acacia may help to sort out the contentious debate on its classification.