You searched for myrtle rust

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  1. Cereals-for-grazing.pdf

    Diseases. Diseases such as leaf rust on oats or powdery mildew on barley may also influence the timing and severity of grazing.

  2. Persian clover

    Of importance is leaf and stem rust, clover scorch and phytophthora root rot. ... Seedmark/PlantTech. Laser. Tolerance to leaf/stem rust, clover scorch and Phytophthora root rot.

  3. Horticulture - Research & Development Prospectus

    Published by the NSW Department of Primary Industries. Horticulture – Research &Development Prospectus. First published October 2015. ISBN 978 1 74256 742 6. More information. Deborah Hailstones, Manager Horticulture Unit, The Elizabeth Macarthur

  4. Fig growing in NSW

    They enter the eye and feed near the opening, causing rust- coloured, dry patches to develop on the florets. ... Fig rust Description. Fig rust is a serious fungal disease of figs grown in coastal areas.

  5. Issue 1 - Autumn 2019

    Dolichandra unguis-cati Jewel Beetle. Tingid bug. Hylaeogena jureceki. Carvalhotingis visenda. Crofton Weed Ageratina adenophora Crofton weed rust fungus Baeodromus eupatorii.

  6. Blotches in barley.pdf

    in barley, along with leaf rust, crown rot, powdery mildew and barley scald.

  7. Pyriform scale

    Hosts include a number of horticultural and ornamental plants such as mango, avocado, citrus, banana, guava, passionfruit, pomegranate, papaya, eucalyptus, hibiscus, gardenia, ivy, myrtle, laurels, paperplant and frangipani.

  8. Annual, Italian and short rotation ryegrass varieties 2010

    This Primefact discusses plant types, maturity times, rust susceptibility, diploid/tetraploid differences, sowing rates, feed quality, animal health issues and seed differences.

  9. Making a soil moisture probe

    Stainless steel should be used to prevent rust increasing the resistance to soil penetration.

  10. Perennial ryegrass

    They produce well under high input systems of management. Rust resistance:On the coast and in humid growing areas, resistance to rust can be very important. ... Check with your seed source as to latest rust resistance information for your area.