You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 1,231 - 1,240 of 2,794

  1. Accessible recreational fishing

    Fishing assists in restoring independence, confidence and lessens the degree of psychological problems caused by acquired traumatic injuries. ... The below map shows the current locations of fishing platforms in NSW funded by the Trusts.

  2. NSW Government’s Operation Victa stops fire ants at the border

    NSW Government’s Operation Victa stops fire ants at the border. Minister for Agriculture and Western NSW - Media Release. ... Of the 100 vehicles stopped, 55 vehicles originated from the Red Imported Fire Ant infested zone in southeast Queensland.

  3. Managing ground cover in the cropping zone of southern NSW

    The percentage ground cover is usually described as the opposite of percent bare soil surface. ... It is assessed when viewed from directly above the ground. The following information is provided in this Primefact:.

  4. Horse safety in emergencies|Horse safety in emergencies

    Topics included in this Factsheet:. Are you at risk? Preparing for the worst. ... Act early. Evacuating your horses. Horses remaining on the property. After a natural disaster.

  5. New high-yield lupins at Henty

    Bred by DAFWA and developed by NSW DPI in Wagga Wagga, Murringo is the highest yielding albus lupin for the eastern states. ... PBA Bateman is a sweet, narrowleaf lupin with significant yield and virus resistance improvements on current varieties suited

  6. Information Paper: Common questions & answers regarding the Independent Review of Commercial Fisheries policy, management and administration

    because the benefit would be shared amongst all remaining shareholders (including the inactive shareholders). ... to a statutory authority model and increasing co-management opportunities in the future.

  7. Restoration of degraded grazing country in the semi-arid areas of NSW

    Summary. The semi-arid region of NSW was settled in 1870, with wool production being the major focus. ... During this period there were numerous droughts and the land suffered degrees of overgrazing from both domestic and non-domestic animals.

  8. Professor Richard Trethowan announced as the 2022 Farrer Memorial Medal winner

    Medal. “Professor Trethowan is a well-deserved recipient of the Farrer Memorial Medal,” Mr Hansen said. ... Developing cultivars for agriculture is the chief measure of impact for a plant breeder.

  9. Line & Trap Harvest Strategy Working Group

    The newly appointed Chairperson and members are all well qualified and bring decades of experience to the Working Group. ... Other members of the working group include:. Recreational fishers – Mr Ian Puckeridge, Mr Brad-Lee Gibson and Mr James Norris.

  10. Approval of licence application form

    integrity;. • for the purposes of determining any criminal record of the applicant and any close associates ; and,. • ... The information collected will only be used for the purpose for which it was provided.

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