You searched for the rhizosphere

Showing results 701 - 710 of 2,795

  1. Flathead (Tiger) <i>Neoplatycephalus richardsoni</i>|Flathead (Tiger)

    They have large teeth on the roof of their mouth and a sharp spine on each side of the head. ... Distribution. Tiger Flathead are found from the NSW north coast south through to Portland in Victoria, including Bass Straight and Tasmania.

  2. Alpaca worms - an overview

    Topics include:. Worms in alpaca – what to do. WormTest. Sample collection and using the kit. ... Where is the testing done? Interpreting worm egg counts. Benefits of regular WormTesting.

  3. Sea Country

    The South Coast Sea Country education program is designed to fit within the NSW Stage 3 syllabus and the Year 5 and 6 outcomes of the Australian curriculum. ... Please explore the videos and activities in the interactive screen. If you would like to find

  4. Harvest Strategies

    Harvest Strategies. What is a Harvest Strategy? The department is partnering with commercial, recreational and Aboriginal cultural fisheries across NSW to develop tailored harvest strategies. ... This allows planning for the future and reduces the

  5. Commercial Fisheries NSW Advisory Council correspondence template

    Describe the topic/issue. Why is it Important for CommFish NSW to consider this issue? ... Privacy Statement. Your privacy is protected under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.

  6. Marine habitats

    The reefs provide refuge and feeding opportunities for a wide variety of fish. ... Macroalgae are members of the huge group of aquatic plants know as algae.

  7. Agriculture Data for Planning

    Information, data, and evidence are key components to help you understand what is happening in your area and will inform and guide your strategic planning process from the local to regional ... level. Below is a series of resources that showcases New

  8. Plantations - Snapshot of Key Findings

    Environmental standards of NSW plantations include:. The protection of soil and water including buffers zones for drainage features. ... The same regulation for publicly and privately owned plantations. Regulated by state-wide legislation.

  9. Useful links and websites

    Precision dairy farming. AMS equipment providers:. A range of diagnostic tests to assist vets and farmers are available at the NSW DPI Laboratory Services.

  10. Fishing related economic activities|Fishing related economic activities

    Information about each of the NSW commercial fisheries can be obtained on the Commercial Fishing page. ... The department has developed sustainable aquaculture strategies for both oyster and land based aquaculture activities.

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